Monthly Archives: November 2011

catch up.


I know I have been slacking so much with this blog… I have barely even gotten it started!!  I promise I will pick it back up and go full speed ahead now that the semester is winding down.  Thanksgiving break is almost finished, but I only have two more final portfolios to turn in and then I am finished for the year.  That means I can spend time exploring wordpress and making this blog the best thing it can be.

I have come up with endless ideas for the classroom over the past couple of months.  If you are not on Pinterest, I highly suggest joining it now.  I cannot begin to tell you the amount of great, easy, CHEAP ideas I have gotten just for simple things in the classroom you never think to get creative with like marker storage.  You can bet I will definitely be sharing these ideas as I get on board fully with this blog.

Anyways, since I have already mentioned the marker storage… here it is.  An old wine rack with cheap plastic cups, perfect for sorting and storing crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc. as you please 🙂 The possibilities are endless.

Just an idea of things to come.