Monthly Archives: October 2011

cheap whiteboards.


I always planned on having small whiteboards for each individual child in my classroom.  I saw something in the background of a TV show the other day that would be a cheap alternative those first couple years when I am teaching when I won’t necessarily be able to afford all the classroom supplies I would like.

Putting paper in sheet protectors.

This particular person had handwriting paper in the sheet protector, but printer paper, practice worksheets, construction paper, etc. would all work!!  Sheet protectors work with dry erase markers and are cheaply replaced should need be!

starting out.


I have decided to create a blog to document my journey in teaching.  I am almost through with my undergraduate years in college, and I have come up with several ideas, learned through countless experiences, and have developed many beliefs about education and my role in it.  I would like a place to share all that I have to say about becoming a teacher.  Enjoy!